The Benefits of Building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

What do highly successful apps like Spotify, Uber, and Instagram, have in common? They all have used a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) process, not only to test the viability of their respective products, but to build functionality. Through an MVP process, these apps gradually evolved over time, based on user testing data and feedback. Eventually, […]

7 Key Predictions for the Future Of Voice Assistants and AI

When voice emerged in 2011 with Siri, no one could have predicted how it would drive tech innovation. Now, more than a decade later, it’s estimated that 35% of Americans over the age of 12 own at least one smart speaker (i.e., Google Home, Amazon Echo) and mobile users are three times more likely to […]

Why Apps Fail: 6 Prominent Reasons & How To Avoid Them

Typically, a person will decide to download an app in only a few seconds. At the same time, the massive volume of apps available intensifies competition for user attention. As of May 2022, a combined total of 5.5 million apps are available between the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store alone. So, in today’s […]

Mobile App Vs. Mobile Website: A UX Comparison – Which Is The Better Option?

Mobile App Vs. Mobile Website: A UX Comparison - Which Is The Better Option?

As of May 2022, over 60% of world wide web traffic comes from mobile devices. This represents a jump from 2016 to 2021, when the traffic share remained steady at roughly 50% for both desktop and mobile users. However, with many organizations currently accelerating digital initiatives, moving to digital models of business exclusively, the rollout […]

6 Steps for a Successful Mobile App Launch 

The end goal of mobile app development is to launch or re-launch a mobile product that not only drives downloads but also maintains high user engagement and retention rates. Unfortunately, attracting attention from potential users and standing out in the app market has become increasingly difficult. This is largely due to a saturated market that […]

3 MVP App Examples That Are Now Massive Successes

Mobile app development and product quality have become so consequential in recent years that companies can’t rely on network effects alone to secure market leadership. To meet organizational objectives and unlock new value with mobile, product development needs to follow an iterative cycle. Iterative development allows organizations to continually test assumptions against user feedback and […]

How to Write an Amazing Mobile App RFP, With a Free Template

Whether you’re starting your first mobile app development project, or you need to modernize an existing product, eventually you’ll need to fill out a mobile app RFP, or request for proposal.  Sometimes your company can’t take on the entire project internally, and when your business needs to purchase app development services chances are you’ll want […]

How to Prioritize Features For Your Mobile App MVP

How To Prioritize Features For Your Mobile App MVP

In mobile app development, a minimum viable product (MVP) identifies, validates (or invalidates) the highest-risk assumptions about a mobile product. Starting a development project with an MVP is the best way for companies to ensure long-term success and ROI.  A mobile app MVP is a minimal and usable form of a complete product to release and test […]

Building a Custom Mobile App vs. Using An Off-The-Shelf Product

  A robust mobile strategy is critical for any business to win, retain, and grow customers, and improve its overall cost efficiency. However, many companies are often uncertain about how to proceed with mobile app development. The first, and arguably the most important question to ask is whether to build a custom mobile app or […]

3 OTT App Monetization Strategies to Grow Revenue and Retain viewers

The OTT streaming ecosystem is growing rapidly, and the pandemic has only accelerated consumer adoption to OTT. In 2020 alone, cable TV lost over 1.4 million subscribers.  For many broadcasters and content providers looking to cash in on this trend, the main question about getting their users to adopt a new platform to consume their […]